Jews Fighting Fascism

The Botwin Manifesto to the Jewish Population

On December 12, 1937, the XIIIth Polish Dombrowski Brigade’s leadership renamed the Palafox Battalion’s second company the “Naftali Botwin Company”. It was designated as a Jewish company (although membership was not limited to Jews) and was under Jewish military and political command. The Botwin Company reached out to worldwide Jewry with this prescient message.   We, […]

Karl “Yekhiel” Gutman, First Commander of the Naftali Botwin Company

When the International Brigade leadership created the Jewish “Naftali Botwin” Company, no one doubted Karl Gutman, the 26-year-old weaver from Bialystok, one of the Dombrowski Brigade’s best military leaders and fighters, was going to be its first commander. Gutman had both military ability and compassion. He had the organizational skills necessary to manage people and […]